Coming Soon

Need to push / pull data that isn't listed yet? No problem! Contact our support team & we'll jump right on it.

Getting Started

Use these steps to get started with the Firm App API.

1) Tokens

To make a request to the API, you'll need an API Token which includes a key and a secret. API Tokens can be generated within the control panel of your Firm App site.

Within the control panel, you'll be able to create new tokens and view existing tokens. You can also make changes such as temporarily disabling a token, adding notes, setting an expiration date, and view activity such as the "last used date".

NOTE - be very careful to keep your secret token private!

Learn more about Authentication »

2) Setup Your Code

Now that you have a token, let's put some code together to make an authorized request. Firm App doesn't not provide a SDK for specific languages, but an HTTPS request is pretty easy in most languages. Here are the requirements:

  • You'll make a POST request to the api:
  • Your request & the response will both be JSON
  • You need to set three headers:
    Content-Type = application/json
    X-Api-Key = YOUR_TOKEN_KEY
    X-Api-Secret = YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET

Learn more about Fetching Data »

3) Verify

Let's start simple and make sure our API Token is working correctly by trying the ping endpoint. To minimize setup, we'll use CURL to make a quick request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; X-Api-Key: YOUR_TOKEN_KEY; X-Api-Secret: YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET" -d '{}'

NOTE - make sure you replace the key and secret with your credentials!

4) Troubleshooting

If everything went well, the response should be something like this:

{ "ok": true }

Firm App always returns a 200 status code - even for errors. The "error" field indicates a failure along with the details. So if you receive a non 200 status code, you know the response is not from the Firm App API. For example - company firewalls, CDNs, anti-virus software, etc.

Learn more about Errors and Error Codes »

5) Endpoints

Now that you've got a good connection, it's time to find your data. You can see all of the available endpoints listed on the left-hand menu or you can visit the Endpoints page.

6) Need Help

Feel free to contact our team if you need help getting connected or if the endpoints don't provide the data you need.

If you need help because of an error, the following information will expedite the support process:

  • X-Request-Id - All responses (including errors) from the API will include a header identifying the request. This will help our team understand what error was encountered. If you know the response id then you don't need to include any other information - this tells us everything!
  • Error Code - If you received an error code, be sure to mention it. Learn More »
  • Error Message - Most errors will also include an error message.
  • Date/Time - When did you make the request.
  • Request Body - What endpoint were you using and what data was included in your request.

The Firm App support team is available at [email protected].